Thursday, November 22, 2012

A Natural Disaster: Hurricane Katrina

A Natural Disaster; Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina was an extremely stressful time for me and my family. During August, 2005 this disaster bought on pains and heartaches for many peoples. My family and I stayed home because we didn’t think the storm would get too bad. The storm came during the daylight; most of us were sitting by the window watching the wind blow shingles off the neighbor’s houses. My son was lying in my bedroom because his room was next to the big tree in the back yard. My little granddaughter was only four years old at the time, but very frighten of the storm. My daughter and I tried all kind of things to get her mind of the storm. We prayed, try telling stories of different events, offered snacks, and reassured her that everyone would be alright; it worked for a little while.

About thirty minutes later, we heard a loud noise coming from the direction of my son’s room. We all ran to the back of the house, scared and concerned. The big tree had fallen across the house and water was pouring in. My granddaughter was screening and crying and the neighbor was knocking on the door. I picked my baby up and went to the door running. My neighbor stated that he was looking at the tree when it was falling down and he came over to see if we were alright. After he left we all came back into the front room and continue to look out at the storm and pray. I rocked my grandbaby on my lap until the storm was over. After the storm, we all went outside. My daughter and I showed my grandbaby all the trees that were down and explained to her that the storm was gone. Nobody in the neighborhood got hurt. I had over ten thousand dollars of damage, but I was more graceful that God has saved us through this devastated moment.

Stressors in Pakistan

After looking and reading different resources on the impact stressors have on young children development in other country, I founded out Pakistan has a big concern with educational problems. “The crisis is getting very little international attention and thousands of families are struggling without enough food and shelter. The situation is becoming increasingly dire for families living in cramped, temporary quarters with little to no income” (Pakistan, 2012). Along with that the increase of food and healthcare is also one of their biggest challenges as well. Without healthcare and educational experiences, young children learning achievement will decrease; this can cause a serious health concern and a great impact on many families.  
To help support this crisis “Save the Children has worked continuously in Pakistan since 1979 and has served Pakistani children and women as well as Afghan refugee families through relief and long-term development programs. While many development improvements have been made, life for millions of the poorest children and women in Pakistani is still full of hardships” (Pakistan, 2012). Also “Save the Children has worked in Pakistan for over 30 years and moved quickly to launch an emergency response for these families. We are rapidly assessing the needs on the ground and distributing life-saving and life-sustaining supplies such as shelter kits, and food. We have launched an appeal for $9m to reach 200,000 of the most vulnerable children and their families – we intend to be here, working with these families, for at least the next six months” (Pakistan, 2012).
Pakistan - Save the Children. Retrieved from, › HomeWhere We WorkAsia

Friday, November 9, 2012

Child Development and Public Health

Child Development and Public Health

I think in most cases, public health measures that impact children's development all over the world is the mental health of mothers, fathers, and the widespread of families also. “Children of chronically depressed mothers do not perform as well on thinking and intelligence tests at 18 months of age and this is especially true for boy babies’ speech development” (World Health Organization, 2011). Young children are influenced by the society in which they live in also, a child’ emotion, social, health and physical development are impacted and effected by their social environment. But, we have to continue being an advocate and support them for the well-being of their growth and development at an early age.

According to research, “maternal mental health problems pose a huge human, social and economic burden to women, their infants, their families, and society and constitute a major public health challenge”( World Health Organization, 2011). Research also states that “mental health problems such as depression and anxiety are very common during pregnancy and after childbirth in all parts of the world. “One in three to one in five women in developing countries, and about one in ten in developed countries, have a significant mental health problem during pregnancy and after childbirth” (World Health Organization, 2008). Another “key finding was that men who don’t have access to flexible working hours and family-friendly leave, and have low job security and little control over their workload, are five times more likely to report psychological distress” (fathers, 2012). Therefore, I believe mental depressions and anxiety disorders are a common illness that can happen at any time after birth throughout life all over the world. Some people have mental challenges, but the sign and symptoms are ignored because lack of in-come and medical insurance.

Mental health issues can cause many problems to people of all cultures; this is a serious health concern that may be due to low birth rate, malnutrition, breast-feeding and many other health problems. “Infants of chronically depressed mothers show less sociability with strangers, fewer facial expressions, smile less, cry more, and are more irritable than infants of normal mothers”. (World Health Organization, 2011). And also, “children of depressed mothers are also more distractible, less playful and less social up to age 5” (World Health Organization, 2011). Research have shown that many mental health issues come from lack of care; meaning everyone should come together as a whole to improve the lives of young children and their families. In my future work, I hope to support parents and children of all cultures in finding affordable organizations, and mental health services to provide the necessary treatment that are available to them. “Ensuring they have access to information and support to promote their well-being is very important” (Fathers, 2012).


(2012). Recent and Future Research on Fathers and Families

World Health Organization. (2008). Improving Maternal Mental Health. Retrieved from World Health Organization:

World Health Organization. (2011). Maternal Mental Health & Child Health and Development. Retrieved from Maternal Mental:

Thursday, November 1, 2012

My Daughter's Childbirth and Childbirth in Paris

My First Grandchild’s Birth, Ariel Starr Cabbil:

Every child birth is different, but there were nothing like watching the birth of my first grandchild. It was a very special time for me. I had all kind of beautiful thoughts and imaginations of how she would look and react when on the outside of the world. In my mind, I thought another little angle crying and breathing the joy of life into this world as my mother, a friend of my daughter and I sat in her room waiting for the final moment.

I remember while at the house, my daughter called out to me and said mommy look. I went into the bathroom and saw that her water had broken, but she didn’t know what was happening. I explained to her that it was time to go to the hospital because the baby is about to be born. After arriving at the emergency room and having my daughter checked out, the doctor also verified that it was time, no going back now. I watched my daughter lying in the hospital bed having labor pains; looking at me saying “mommy tell them to give me something for pain”. I stopped a nurse and ask is it a good time now for her to have the epidural procedure, but due to the fetus breathing pattern and the way she was position, my child was not able to receive the treatment. I was informed that my daughter had to have natural childbirth instead; it was painful for me to watch, but this was her first child and I couldn’t leave her along in the delivery room. About thirty minutes later it was time for the birth of my first grandchild. The medical team enter the room, put her in position and she begin to push until baby Starr enter the world. Ariel Starr Cabbil weighted 5lb, 12oz and 19in long. I must say I didn’t enjoy seeing my only daughter in so much pain, but I knew it a part of entering womanhood. After all that has been said and done, I’m so very happy to have been a part of the childbirth experience.

I choose my daughter first birth delivery because she was quite young and had no experience about having a child and how to take care of one. I knew her father and I had to step up a notch to teach her how to become a loving and responsible parent in taking care of a little infant. We all were so excited about contributing to the care of Starr’s growth and development. Starr is now eleven years old, in the sixth grade and attends Dunbar Performing Art Magnet School in Mobile Alabama.

You can never be prepare enough for childbirth because it’s a once in a lifetime experience; no two births are alike, but maybe similar in pain. The birth of a child influences the parent to become a better self-sufficient and caring role model. Child development has stages to go through like; biological process (motor skills, brain process, etc.), cognitive process (ability to think, use language and intelligence), and socioemotional this is a process where children learn to interact with other peoples without emotional behaviors. Children should be encouraged to learn through reading books, singing songs, and storytelling. We have to invest in the necessary materials to help children learn, grow, and develop. Some children growth and developmental stages are similar, but in most cases, they are different. I see young children as being unique individuals that would build a strong foundation for adulthood later in life.

Childbirth in Paris

I did research on childbirth in another country to compare the different between childbirth in the U.S. for similarities and this is what I founded out. In Paris childbirth procedures are similar; the medical treatment of choice is an epidural. “As soon as a woman arrives at the hospital in active labor” an epidural block is given. In this country if a woman choose to have natural childbirth, “it is crucial” for her to” find a doctor who supports you” (Parisian, 2012).


Having a Baby, Parisian Style | Posted in Paris. Retrieved from - Similar