Saturday, September 15, 2012

Personalizing My Blog

Grandchildren, Starr and Skye

A story about a child that touched my heart:
This is my granddaughter Landria Bryniah Jones; my nick name for her is Skye. Skye is now one year old and very active with no problems. When my daughter was pregnant with her the doctors suggested to terminate the pregnancy, because there was a small cyst found on her lung. According to the doctor, if the cyst on the lung had gotten any bigger Skye could have heart failure while still in the wound. She also said if Skye makes it through the pregnancy that she would mostly likely have to go in for emergency surgery to remove the cyst on her lung. When my daughter checked in the hospital on August 8, 2011 to have Skye, they lost the baby’s heart beat because of some medications they gave my daughter that caused her to have a bad reaction. Skye was born at 8:05am and was carried straight into the ICU. The doctor immediately checked her lungs carefully; a spot was found, but she said not to be concern that she would keep a close watch on it. After checking all of Skye’s vital signs, they carried her to the nursery with no problems. They monitored her breathing for three days during their stay in the hospital, still no problems. My daughter’s faith is strong in God; she had told the doctor before having Skye, “Nothing is wrong with my baby”.  If my daughter would have terminated this pregnancy because of what the doctors said, I would not have this healthy precious little granddaughter today.

An image of a child's drawing:

The reason I chose these photos is because children are very creative and have a big imagination. They can sometimes show family members, doctors, peers, and educators what going in their minds through difference image of drawings. Drawings can help a child clear their thought about what they are trying to communicate to others.

The title of a children's book I love and what I love about it:

The tittle of the book is “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” By: Laura Joffe Numeroff and illustrated by Felicia Bond. I think this is a great story to read to young children. I love this book because it is basically about a little boy giving cookies, straws, milk, a broom, scissors and a mop to the mouse. This little mouse was performing various tasks throughout the day. So, the little boys made sure that he got what he wanted. 


  1. Learning how children grow and develop

  2. It is a true blessing that your grand baby pulled through and is well today. I can relate to your daugther's story because I was told that my daugther would be born with a hole in her spine. But like your daugther I did not claim their diagnosis. My daugther was born November 1, 1996 at 6:59pm healthy and is doing fine today. And I know your granddaugther will live a long, happy, and healthy life as well.

  3. Hi Ida, welcome to blogging! You have a beautiful family, may god blesses y'all! Let's hope and pray this blogging become our best friend! Just a few lines to let know, I visited your blog. keep up the good work!

  4. Hi Ida. Your posting looks great on your site but the red background makes it hard to read on the reader.
