Friday, July 26, 2013

Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions

Microaggressions can be intentional or unintentional that will cause hostile or negative reaction. Microagressions is used every day within the society whether it is verbal or nonverbal; this is a way to insult or target people at any cost. It is also environmental slights, snubs, derogatory, or negative messages to bullet people based solely upon their marginalized group membership; this is to degrade, intimidate, threat, or make one feel lesser than a human being if they do not belong to a majority group (Laureate Education, 2011) One microagression situation I witness all the time is young boys and men wearing their pants below the butt. I was sitting in my car in front of the grocery store when I heard one boy say to the other one pull up your pants; no one wants to see your plumber butt. When all this was happening, I thought in my mind no he did not say that, I knew it would be a problem because it seen like some people looks for trouble.

 My observation experiences this week influenced my awareness of the remarks I have made in the past about other people. We should be mindful of what we say and think about other people. You can be black, white, Chinese, Japanese, etc. the color of your skin do not mean nothing. God created each of us in a different ways and I do not believe that he is pleased with the way we treats each other. I have learned that microagressions is a reflection of our worldviews and making racial remarks to other can cause serious consequences within the society. Therefore, we should be mindful of what we say and think about other people. You can be black, white, Chinese, Japanese, etc. the color of your skin do not mean nothing.


 Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2011). Microaggressions in Everyday Life. [Webcast]. Baltimore, MD Author


  1. Ida, that is interesting that another boy told him to pull up his pants. That is a pet peeve of mine and I don't have a problem asking them to pull of their pants. However, I do not add a derogatory comment behind my request.

    Great post Ida

  2. Ida,
    You are so right when stating that microaggressions are used as ways to insult or target people at any cost and although it should not matter what racial or ethnic background you are, I have found that more often than not, it is aimed toward minorities and females. It would be great if we lived in a world where your skin color did not matter and all that was important was you as a person, but unfortunately that is not the case. So we must continue to work towards a more cohesive and accepting society.

  3. I agree with you, doing the observations this week, I have a better understanding about microaggressions and how they affect people. Over the course of this week, I have been more cautious about what i say to other people, before I actually say it. What hurts one person may not hurt someone else. I love your comment about how God created us and that he would not be happy with the way we treat each other. That is so true. It does not matter what color you are, where you live and what lifestyle you practice, God made each of us just right. Wonderful post.
