Saturday, September 7, 2013


Communication skills are very important it gives us the privilege to listen and understand communicators differences. I have this friend who is very effective in her communication skills. She works with young children and families at DHR. Her communication skills are great. Her family, co-workers, church members and the children at the center enjoys talking with her. She has his unique talent, passion, respect and loves that draw people close to her. There are many times I had to call her over to talk with my mental challenge son. The minute he would look up and see her coming, his face would have such big smile. I would like to model some of my own communication behaviors after my friend because she approaches all young children and families with respect and kindness. I have already learned many skills from her and will be learning more.


  1. Wonderful post, Ida! Communicating is a give and take situation. Effective communication helps us better understand a person or situation and enables us to resolve differences, build trust and respect, and create environments where creative ideas, problem solving, affection, and caring can flourish (O’Hair and Wiemann, 2012). The type of communication it sounds like your son and your friend have is symbolic communication. It is like he automatically knew that she was there to make him feel better just by seeing her come over. And, his smile showed her that he approved or felt comfortable with her arrival. “Communication relies on the use of symbols – arbitrary construction (usually in the form of language or behaviors) that refer to people, things, and concepts” (O’Hair and Wiemann, 2012, p.10). And, according to O’Hair and Wiemann (2012), the stronger the connection between symbol and object, the clearer the intended meaning, and vice versa (p. 10). She sounds like a wonderful friend to have. Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Thanks for sharing Ida
    It's good to have a good friend with all those talents and able to come around your child and make him smile. Sometimes being a effective communicator is difficult to handle, but we must continue to strive and have that confidence. Good luck with your son and God bless!
